Linking Putnam County To The St. Johns River

Noah's Ark

Noah J. Tilghman constructed the 58-foot, three-deck wooden flat-bottom boat at its current location, the Palatka Marina & Boathouse. In 1929 Noah finished the boat and held its maiden voyage on September 26, 1930.

Linking Putnam County To The St. Johns River

Noah's Ark

Some upgraded interest has made it more of a priority for the community to fully resurrect the boat. It will be a fitting comeback and help restore the once-strong relationship between the City of Palatka and Putnam County to the St. Johns River.

Linking Putnam County To The St. Johns River

Noah's Ark

In 2004 the Lagasse family, owners of the Palatka Boathouse and Marina, salvaged the boat and had it towed gingerly back to Palatka. There it was hauled out on a small gauge marine rail onto dry land. Putnam County Historical Society became the owner of the vessel in 2016.

Palatka, Florida

Historical Noah's Ark

With its past steeped in the history and traditions of the St. Johns River, local transportation systems, bass fishing, and cypress mills, Noah’s Ark represents Palatka, Florida’s and Putnam County’s likely best link to the River and the way of life of the City’s heydays of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Located along the St. Johns at a point where larger, deeper draught vessels had to stop to unload cargo and passengers, Palatka was a natural place for shallower draught vessels to take over for connections and cargo to the south and for railroads and hotels to spring up to support that commerce. It was the gateway to Florida’s interior and its natural beauty and resources. In due time, Palatka’s hotels could house over 6,000 visitors, cypress mills and orange groves flourished, and railroads converged and then hauled where the rivers could not.

Linking Putnam County To The St. Johns River

Historical Noah's Ark


Years Old


Year Restoration Plan


Of Memories


Explore Noah's Ark

The goal is not only full restoration to its original days but to allow it to be Coast Guard-approved and sea-worthy so that cruises can once again occur up and down the river from the point of the Ark’s origin, the Palatka Boathouse and Marina.

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Suspendisse a ante sit amet magna volutpat faucibus sit amet sit amet erat. Nunc ante diam, tristique quis elementum in, congue quis metus.

Our Partners


  • Deckhand | $50
  • Boatswain's Mate | $100
  • First Mate | $1,000
  • Captain | $5,000
  • Admiral | $50,000

Our Board Members

Larry Beaton

Board Member

Bobbie Weller

Board Member


What our supporters say

Nullam orci dui, dictum et magna sollicitudin, tempor blandit erat. Maecenas suscipit tellus sit amet augue placerat fringilla a id lacus. Morbi viverra volutpat ex, id pellentesque felis volutpat eu. Etiam mattis laoreet leo sed accumsan. Fusce tincidunt in leo lacinia condimentum.

Patric Stone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi viverra volutpat ex, id pellentesque felis volutpat eu. Nullam facilisis at turpis eu faucibus. In dignissim, enim eu ornare aliquet, metus ex tempor neque, sit amet efficitur turpis lorem et odio.

Hugo James

Morbi viverra volutpat ex, id pellentesque felis volutpat eu. Duis et tellus imperdiet, lacinia risus id, tincidunt ipsum. Integer euismod elit vel nibh commodo, at consequat nisl rhoncus. Etiam mattis laoreet leo sed accumsan. Aliquam tempor lorem odio, non aliquam nunc egestas in.

Stefanie Rashford

Nullam orci dui, dictum et magna sollicitudin, tempor blandit erat. Maecenas suscipit tellus sit amet augue placerat fringilla a id lacus. Fusce tincidunt in leo lacinia condimentum. Donec placerat, orci vel consequat mattis, sapien lacus pretium mi, sed lacinia dolor nibh non mi.

Anastasia Stone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam facilisis at turpis eu faucibus. In dignissim, enim eu ornare aliquet, metus ex tempor neque, sit amet efficitur turpis lorem et odio.

Patricia James

Donec placerat, orci vel consequat mattis, sapien lacus pretium mi, sed lacinia dolor nibh non mi. Nullam orci dui, dictum et magna sollicitudin, tempor blandit erat. Maecenas suscipit tellus sit amet augue placerat fringilla a id lacus. Fusce tincidunt in leo lacinia condimentum.

Anastasia Stone

Duis et tellus imperdiet, lacinia risus id, tincidunt ipsum. Integer euismod elit vel nibh commodo, at consequat nisl rhoncus. Aliquam tempor lorem odio, non aliquam nunc egestas in. Aenean quam augue, semper eu aliquam eget, sagittis ut dui. Suspendisse nisi lectus.

Steven Rashford

Aenean quam augue, semper eu aliquam eget, sagittis ut dui. Suspendisse nisi lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam facilisis at turpis eu faucibus. In dignissim, enim eu ornare aliquet, metus ex tempor neque, sit amet efficitur turpis lorem et odio.

Patrick James

Duis et tellus imperdiet, lacinia risus id, tincidunt ipsum. Integer euismod elit vel nibh commodo, at consequat nisl rhoncus. Aenean quam augue, semper eu aliquam eget, sagittis ut dui. Suspendisse nisi lectus. Aliquam tempor lorem odio, non aliquam nunc egestas in.

Steven Rashford

It is interesting

Miscellaneous Flotsam